Eat More, Worry Less: Your Complete Nutrition Resource for Every Season of Life
Finally get the clarity about nutrition you've been searching for with simple, actionable strategies for every season of life.
Add the last piece to the puzzle so you can:
-Elevate your workouts so you can go from kinda fit to strong AF
-Be the "healthy" friend who has all the answers
-Feel absolutely confident that you are going to accomplish your goals
-Fuel your athletic performance so you can stop hitting the wall and start breaking PRs
Eat More, Worry Less: Your Complete Nutrition Resource for Every Season of Life, has 196 pages of real life, easy to digest strategies for everyone from working moms to competitive athletes.
Along with the nutrition guide, you'll get a 55 page recipe library filled with easy to follow recipes and cooking tips to make meal planning a no brainer.
As a bonus you'll get all the printable worksheets in a separate file so you can get right to work on creating the healthy lifestyle that works for you right now.
You'll also get a powerful and customizable calorie calculator in an Excel document which will generate calorie and macronutrient recommendations for every season of life. Plus you'll get 5 calorie cycling options so it will feel like you got the cheat code to your body composition goal.
Ebook Download
Five separate files are included in this ebook download.
1. Onyx Nutrition Guide: Macros, Meal Planning, and More (PDF)
2. Onyx Recipe Library (PDF)
3. Printable Pack of Worksheets from the Onyx Nutrition Guide (PDF)
4. Nutrition Guide Calculator for Women (xls)
5. Nutrition Guide Calculator for Men (xls)